Occasionally we offer Promo Codes good for discounts on wfc-rice.com. If you have a valid Promo Code, you can apply it either in My Cart or at Checkout.
In My Cart:
On the left-hand side of the My Cart page, click “Enter a promo code”. A box will appear.
Enter the promo code in the box and click “Apply” to the right of the box.
At Checkout:
On the top right-hand side of the page under the Order Summary, click “Enter a promo code”. A box will appear underneath.
Enter the promo code in the box and click “Apply” to the bottom of the box.
With either option, if the promo code you enter is valid, we will immediately apply the discount to your order and show you the updated amount.
Make sure you have entered the promo code correctly without any typos and that the promo code has not expired. If the code has been entered correctly and is still valid but does not apply to your order, be sure to check the code’s specific terms and conditions for more information, for example, minimum purchase order amount.